“We believe Innovative Air Mobility should be accessible and affordable for every organization to become smarter, safer or greener through the use of drones”
Join an ecosystem with a feature-packed toolkit designed to elevate collaboration.
An ecosystem focussed on collaboration with an easy-to-use toolkit designed to help you explore and navigate the European drone and Innovative Air Mobility industry. “We believe Innovative Air Mobility should be accessible and affordable for every organization to become smarter, safer or greener through the use of drones” Join an ecosystem with a feature-packed toolkit designed to elevate collaboration. The toolkit is filled with opportunities, connections, and insights to help you explore the European drone and IAM industry. Monitor curated insights, funding and trends to stay ahead in your industry. Join dynamic communities to accelerate innovations together. Connect with an international network of experts and start collaborations. Stay informed on the Drone Ecosystem: funding opportunities, Toolkit developments, use cases and new organizations to connect with. "*" indicates required fields Flying Forward Drone Ecosystem emerged from the FF2020 research project, with support from Brainport Development and the European Commission, in order to prolong the Drone Ecosystem Observatory activities. Join now as user, organization or expert and try the Toolkit for free! Drone Ecosystem
EU Drone Ecosystem
Innovative Air Mobility
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